
Deploying the Operator

  1. Clone the operator curator repository.

    Currently, we have two versions of the curator operator.

    version 1 (production branch) - Curator operator with basic features (Periodic Reports, Custom reports)

    version 2 (operator-additional-features branch) - Curator with additional features (Mailing services, S3 backup Optional)

  2. To build and deploy Operator you can use one of the two branches.

    First, update a project/namespace in config/default/kustomization.yaml. This is where we are going to deploy Curator Operator.

    Before running the operator, the CRD must be registered with the Kubernetes apiserver:

    #cd curator-operator/
    #switch to production or operator-additional-features branch
    #you can use or to build and push operator image
    make install
    make docker-build docker-push<user-name>/<image-name>
    make deploy<user-name>/<image-name>

    The operator curator is running but is not doing any work. We need to create a CR.

  3. Create below two custom resources

  • FetchData custom resource to fetch data from koku-metrics-operator. Sample CR

  • Report custom resource to generate the automatic report. Sample CR

    # update the cronjobNamespace field to the correct namespace where you installed koku-metrics-operator
    oc apply -f <cr-file-path>

Uninstall a CustomResourceDefinition

#cd curator-operator/
make uninstall

When you uninstall a CRD, the server will uninstall the RESTful API endpoint and delete all custom objects stored in it.

Undeploy the Operator

#cd curator-operator/
make undeploy

The above command will delete everything including the project.